Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Learning to Be Content

"Summer is here and we are having fun!" or so I scold my children. We've done so many wonderful outtings, and we've been blessed in so many ways this summer. You would think we would be all smiles and hugs. Unfortunately, we are just the opposite. After a couple of weeks of having free time and fun trips, my kids are one grumble away from mom losing it. Today after a fun movie, and get together with friends, I didn't hear laughter or happiness...I heard complaints. What happened to my thankful children? Where did their appreciation go? I'm not saying I do these things in hopes of hearing an unsolicited, "Oh mommy, you are the best!" but I do want them to learn to be thankful. I want them to appreciate when they are given a privilege, and not come to expect luxuries being lavished on them at every turn.

I'm partly to blame, because I do want to pour out sweet things on them continually. I want them to have fun every day and make precious memories along the way. Yet, I don't want them to be spoiled either. I know there is a happy medium. I also know their attitude is often a reflection of mine.

Have I stopped and thanked my Father for His tremendous blessings lately or have I turned my eyes towards one or two negatives? When I pray, am I thanking Him for the gifts and opportunities He's given, or am I asking for more and more? Am I pleading for something different than what He's already chosen especially for me?

The good news is that after our Family Meeting, we started the day over with positive attitudes. The kids played happily together, enjoying each other's company, and mommy basked in the moment. I just pray we can help each other to keep up that focus.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Worst Enemies and Best Friends

Sisters are a very unusual blessing. I know because I have 3 of them. I also know because I witness sisterhood through my three girls. Sisters can fight like cats and dogs, be extreme opposites, and drive each other more crazy than anyone else in the world, doing it in a shorter time than anything else in the world. Yet, sisters can be best friends, know what the other is thinking before they themselves know it, and warm your heart in an instant. You can tell your deepest secrets to a sister, while keeping some things totally from them. Sisters are with you through innocent childhood, awkward teen years, discovering yourself-adulthood, and Lord-willing, the aged and wise years.
Josephine, Adela, and Thessaly have a way of communicating sisterhood. When they are driving each other crazy, they say "I just need my alone time!" Then when they are relishing each other's company, "Best friends, okay?!"

When apart from sisters, God blesses us with friends and sisters in Christ. He knows, as women, we need these precious relationships. I thank God for my dear sisters, and for allowing my girls to experience the priceless blessing of sisterhood.