Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Strength of Siblings

 One of my most favorite gifts in life is that my parents were brave and bold enough to have five kids. I have the best siblings. They have been with me since as far back as I can remember. And even now, though many of us are states apart, they are still my support and joy.

Many thought me crazy,  but I was granted five beautiful kiddos of my own.  They bless me constantly and my heart is so full because of them. One of the very best things I absolutely love about having a big family is that my kiddos have life long friends automatically built in to their lives.

For years now, I have encouraged them to foster that relationship, to work through their battles, to rise above challenges and lean on each other. From minute to minute, they may be worst enemies or the best of friends. But through all the minutes, they have each other. And that is a pure gift from God!

Although I see them embracing it with Sister Brother Day celebrations, birthdays, holidays, and vacations, I now see them truly leaning on each other daily.  They share their secrets and give each other advice.  They tell each other things they need to say, but are hesitant to share with mom. There’s a piece of me that wants in on that.  Oh how I’d love to listen and hear all the things, but then I remember.  This is one of the gifts of having a sibling. My brother and sisters  are experts at it, and now my kids are becoming that to each other.

Sure we all have our differences and may never see eye to eye on everything, but thank God we have each other. Whether brothers and sisters by genetics or marriage, or by Christ, He uniquely made us with all our differences and similarities and we can compliment each other and be stronger together. Thank you to all the sisters and brothers God’s graciously put in my life who actively check in on me and help me through. I couldn’t do this life without you!

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