Saturday, February 20, 2010

Here Goes Nothin'

Well, here is my first official entry on my first official blog. It's nothing profound or worth sending to everyone, just me starting off.  Honestly, I can't believe I'm starting a blog.  I'm hoping this will be a better way for me to keep up with the daily happenings of our chaotic, yet beautiful life.  I'm wanting to record those significant moments, cute sayings, and even those pull-out-my-hair kind of days.  I'm wanting to write down those little things that happen that years from now I know I'll want to read and remember.  I use to keep a journal for each of the kids, but with moving, homeschooling, and adding a little one to the mix, I just can't seem to get it together enough to keep up.
Sooooo....that being goes my blog!

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