Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Playing with the Big Kids

It seems like just yesterday, Eben was lying dormant on a blanket, watching his big sisters run wild as dad spun them in circles before bed. Now, Eben has declared that enough is enough; no more sitting on the sidelines. He is crawling, walking, and climbing all over the place...and I mean ALL over the place.
He began his single steps about two weeks ago, while his biggest fans stood on the sidelines ready to dive to the rescue. Now with his very own cheerleader section giving their constant applause, he is off like a mini-wildman. He walks across the room, climbs up on the sofa, rides the rocking chair like it's a bucking bronco, and should mom turn for literally half a second, he races to the top of the staircase at lightening speed. Whatever life brings Eben's way, we can definitely tell he is not going to take it sitting down.
I guess this marks the beginning of what older and wiser mothers always tell me. "You'll miss it when this stage is gone!" and "They grow up way too fast!"
I must admit, I am getting rather nostalgic as these momentous occasions pass. Josephine's losing her teeth as fast as Eben is growing his. Wasn't it last month that she was getting her baby ones?! These stages pass me by before I can take a good snapshot in my mind. Right now, I pray I may relish the current moments of chasing a toddling baby, but I'm also looking forward to those moments coming in the blink of an eye.

1 comment:

  1. DITTO! My little baby is now a little dude. Where did the time go?!?
