When my siblings and I were little, we had a backyard full of hammocks. They were tied in all different ways, making each one a unique and totally wild ride. We would stretch out to fly, curl up to spin, or run and pump to swing and twirl until we'd make ourselves dizzy with delight.
This week my kids were introduced to their first hammock. What fun for them! Who am I kidding....What fun for me! They started off with trepidation, learning how to get each foot and arm untangled without plunging to their deaths, but within two days they have become dare devils galore. As I watch them, flashbacks of my childhood fun come flooding back. I can see already it won't be long before they start teaching this old dog some new tricks.
Isn't that true with most things...just when you think you are the expert Hammock-Heroine, a child can come along and teach you something you were too old to notice. It seems each day reveals a new way in which I should "become as one of these."
Fun stuff!