After our first two weeks of school, we have just completed an ENTIRE life cycle. Although, yes, I may have aged extremely since the start, I'm actually referring to the life cycle of our butterflies. Our little baby caterpillars grew up. They shed their skins, made their chrysalises, and did their thing. Those poor little bugs probably got more attention than any other bug in the world.
They were faithfully fed, watched, and entertained.
Josephine even tamed them to climb on her arm. Our field trip to the Bronx Zoo, let us witness butterflies galore in the Butterfly Garden. Then we took some caterpillars for a spin on the Bug Carousel.
We went on a 4-D adventure with Dora and Diego chasing butterflies through the jungle.
And then, alas, our babies were no longer babies and we released them into the big world. It was fun to watch them fly, but oh so hard to see them go.
Now the girls are "empty Netting."
I'm thankful the Lord is letting my babies stay with their mama a bit longer than two weeks. Adela wanted to keep at least one, pinning it's wings down to stay forever. As awful as that sounds, in about 11 years, I may be tempted to do the same:-)
Now the girls are "empty Netting."
I'm with ya, they are growing up to fast!