Do you ever feel like you're being pulled in a billion different directions? I remember those days when I had 5 littles literally hanging from my arms and legs needing my attention. Now days, they still do, but in different with me, help me with math, come see what I can do with this ball, I need a ride, can I borrow your credit card, etc., etc. Don't get me wrong, I love being needed! I just wish I had the power to be all that they needed, all of the time.
Isn't the way children need their mother just how we're supposed to be needing Jesus? We may think we've got it on our own, but each of us is just stumbling along, facing our own individual trials and challenges, needing to touch the fringe of His garment.
Today I'm reminded of Jesus getting off the boat with people of all sorts waiting for Him and all wanting different things...the rulers, the poverty stricken, the sick....wanting to catch Him, wanting to be taught, wanting to be healed. All of the crowd were just hovering, following, eager for how Jesus could help them. Then there's that one desperate woman, the one who has been doing all she knows how to do on her own for twelve long painful years. She's used up all of her money. She's cried all of her tears. She's been outcast and alone. Then she hears of a Savior and BELIEVES, knowing that she can't do this life anymore on her own. She pushes past the throng, everyone shrinking away from her uncleanness, uncomfortable with who she is, wanting no part. She pushes back the fear of more rejection. She reaches out her desperate hand...and touches the fringe.
What happens next is what makes this such a beautiful story. Jesus doesn't just casually acknowledge her. He doesn't just keep walking. He stops. He finds her. And he listens to her "whole story." He lets the others wait. He will get to them. Right then, she needed him and He shows her that He truly cares.
Why is it that I forget this? Why do I think maybe He's too busy or maybe He hears but He's just not that interested? In scripture, Jesus over and over again says and demonstrates that He truly cares. In my life, He's done the same thing. He shows me over and over again just how much He loves me.
May my children know that no matter how busy life is, how much I'm needed here and there, I've got them and I always and forever want to listen. I truly love and care. And may being a mom to these precious ones remind me that if I keep that faith in Him that no matter how alone, how scared, how desperate I feel that I can push past all that extra stuff in the way and reach out to the fringe of His garment. He truly cares, loves, and anxiously wants to listen.